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Anna Lu Ученик (116), закрыт 3 года назад
1 Не said, “Is this the right counter for gloves?”
2 Shе said, “What sort of gloves do you require? Kid, suede, chamois ...”
3 Не said, “What size do you take?”
4 Shе said, “How do I get to the shoe department? “
5 Не said, “What kind of shoe did you want, madam?”
6 Shе said, “Try them on”
7 Sh said, “I have rather small feet”.
8 Shе said, “May I use your pen, Mary?”
9 Shе said, “Will you marry me?”
10 Не said, “John will be at home at seven”.
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (332960) 3 года назад
1 Не asked if that was the right counter for gloves.
2 Shе asked what sort of gloves required.
3 Не asked what size I took.
4 Shе asked how she got to the shoe department.
5 Не asked what kind of shoe she had wanted.
6 Shе asked to try them on.
7 She said that she had rather small feet.
8 Shе asked Mary if she might use her pen.
9 Shе asked him if he would marry him.
10 Не said that John would be at home at seven.
Остальные ответы
Vitandava Просветленный (20252) 3 года назад
1 Не asked if this is the right counter for gloves.
2 She asked what sort of gloves I require. Kid, suede, chamois...
3 Не asked what size I take.
4 She asked how to get to the shoe department.
5 Не asked what kind of shoe I wanted.
6 She said to try them on.
7 She said she has rather small feet.
8 She asked if she may use my pen.
9 She asked if I will marry her.
10 Не said John will be at home at seven.
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