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Английский, помогите пожалуйста с тестом!

Аида Абдуллаева Ученик (89), закрыт 4 года назад
Вставьте глагол в правильном времени:

1) I (to drink) coffee now, but usually I (to drink) tea.
2) I already (to do) my homework.
3) I (to learn) to swim by next year.
4) When Mom (to come) I (to play) football
5) When the bell (to ring), he already (to read) a book.


Употребить глагол в правильной форме. Present Perfect or Past Perfect

1) My mother asked who (break) her typewriter. Look! Somebody (break) my typewriter.
2) You ever (see) a flying saucer? – No, I (…not). But my brother said he (see) it.
3) He looked at the girl and understood he (see) her somewhere before.
4) I think John (miss) his 7.30 train. That’s why he (not come) yet. – Looks like him. He never (come) home on time so far.
5) When the three bears came home they saw that someone (eat) Baby Bear’s porridge.
6) John is hungry because he (have) nothing to eat since morning.
7) Mrs. Brown lives next door but she never (say) more than “Good morning” to me.
8) They just (buy) the apples in the market. Have one!
9) He just (see) his friend arrive.
10) It (stop) raining and the sun is shining.


Употребить глагол в правильной форме. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect

11) You (hear) from Jane Lately? – Yes, I (get) a message from her last night.
12) I (get) a fax from Boston an hour ago, but I(not answer) it yet.
13) It’s the most delicious cake I ever (taste). When and where you (buy) it?
14) When you (get) this wonderful ring? – I don’t remember. I (have) it for years.
15) How’s Jack? When you (see) him? – Oh, I (not meet) him for ages!
16) You (do) the shopping? – No, I(forget) to take the list
17) She (learn) to play chess when she (be) 16, but she (not play) much since then.
18) I (have) my teddy bear since my parents (give) it to me.
19) Yesterday I (work) on my computer for four hours, but I (not print) the material yet.
20) I (live) in London for seven years and now I miss it lot.


Переведите предложение, сделайте его отрицательным и вопросительным:

На столе телефон.
Лучший ответ
Hsjdjjcjfd Heuxyh Мастер (1235) 4 года назад
Вставьте глагол в правильном времени:

1) I am drinking coffee now, but usually I drink tea.
2) I have already done my homework.
3) I will learn to swim by next year.
4) When Mom came I was playing football
5) When the bell rang, he had already read a book.


Употребить глагол в правильной форме. Present Perfect or Past Perfect:

1) My mother asked who broke her typewriter. Look! Somebody have broken my typewriter.
2) have you ever seen a flying saucer? – No, I haven't. But my brother said he's seen it.
3) He looked at the girl and understood he had seen her somewhere before.
4) I think John had missed his 7.30 train. That’s why he hasn't come yet. – Looks like him. He has never come home on time so far.
5) When the three bears came home they saw that someone had eaten Baby Bear’s porridge.
6) John is hungry because he's had nothing to eat since morning.
7) Mrs. Brown lives next door but she never says more than “Good morning” to me.
8) They have just bought the apples in the market. Have one!
9) He ahs just seen his friend arrive.
10) It has stopped raining and the sun is shining.
11) have you heard from Jane Lately? – Yes, I got a message from her last night.
12) I got a fax from Boston an hour ago, but I haven't answered it yet.
13) It’s the most delicious cake I have ever tasted. When and where you bought it?
14) When you got this wonderful ring? – I don’t remember. I've had it for years.
15) How’s Jack? When you saw him? – Oh, I haven't met him for ages!
16) Have you done the shopping? – No, I forgot to take the list
17) She learned to play chess when she was 16, but she hasn't been playing much since then.
18) I've had my teddy bear since my parents gave it to me.
19) Yesterday I worked on my computer for four hours, but I haven't printed the material yet.
20) I've lived in London for seven years and now I miss it lot.


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there is a phone on the table
there isn't a phone on the table
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