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Денис Панов Знаток (250), закрыт 3 года назад
1Now listen to me!" he said, I'll speak to you a few things that you might have asked before starting out."
2While our trip we had an accident in which I had my leg badly hurt.
3He is dependent of his parents' aid though he tried his best to become independent of them.
4The air pressure in the balloon is much greater than the air one in the jar.
5He was a third-year student, just began his in-hospital training so he willed to learn as much as possible.
6Instead of delivering key points from my stand¬ard lecture on medical education, I decided to keep quietly and let Henry and the other students learn that lesson from a patient instead.
7John Ludberg made a career in his mid-thirty, but later he seems to have given up the ghost on his job.
8His 12-volumes series of novels, grouped under the title A Dance to the Music of Time, is a highly readable account of the lives and careers of people in the arts and politics from before World War II to many years afterward.
Лучший ответ
Алексей Светланов Знаток (321) 3 года назад
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Рендолика ММастер (1375) 3 года назад
а вот не признаются, откуда такие задания)
Остальные ответы
Joseph Гений (62552) 3 года назад
1Now listen to me!" he said, I'll tell you a few things that you might have asked before starting out."
2During our trip we had an accident in which I had my leg badly hurt.
3He is dependent on his parents' aid though he tried his best to become independent of them.
4The air pressure in the balloon is much greater than the one in the jar.
5He was a third-year student, just began his in-hospital training so he wished to learn as much as possible.
6Instead of delivering key points from my stand¬ard lecture on medical education, I decided to keep quiet and let Henry and the other students learn that lesson from a patient instead.
7John Lundberg made a career in his mid-thirty, but later he seems to have given up the ghost of his job.
8His 12-volume series of novels, grouped under the title A Dance to the Music of Time, is a highly readable account of the lives and careers of people in the arts and politics from before World War II to many years afterward.
Рендолика ММастер (1375) 3 года назад
да они продвигают свой канал, вот и публикуются здесь
Рендолика ММастер (1375) 3 года назад
еще и хамят
Рендолика ММастер (1375) 3 года назад
задания, правда, интересные. я даже за воскресенье успела книжку купить на английском
Рендолика ММастер (1375) 3 года назад
from before World War - так не говорят
Alexander Alenitsyn Высший разум (760098) 3 года назад
1 Now listen to me!" he said, I'll TELL you a few things that you might have asked before starting out."
2 While our trip we had an accident WHERE I had my leg badly hurt.
3 He is dependent ON his parents' aid though he tried his best to become independent of them.
4 The air pressure in the balloon is much greater than THAT in the jar.
5 He was a third-year student, just began his in-hospital training BECAUSE he WANTED to learn as much as possible.
6 Instead of delivering key points from my standard lecture on medical education, I decided to keep quietly and let Henry and the other students learn that lesson from a patient.
7 John Ludberg made a career in his mid-thirty, but later he SEEMED to have given up the ghost on his job.
8 His 12-volumes series of novels, grouped under the title A Dance to the Music of Time, is a highly readable account of the lives and careers of people in the arts and politics from THE TIME before World War II to many years afterward.
Рендолика ММастер (1375) 3 года назад
вот они в видео отвечают, что to keep quietly - так нельзя сказать . to keep - сохранять, quietly - тихо
Alexander Alenitsyn Высший разум (760098) тогда to keep calm
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