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Сродни ли английский чайник kettle и русский котёл?

snaiws Ученик (22), на голосовании 4 года назад
Сродни ли английский чайник kettle и русский котёл?
Голосование за лучший ответ
Александр Баев Мыслитель (5917) 4 года назад
Думаю да, котёл - заимствованное слово из германских языков.
workstation workstation Искусственный Интеллект (102570) 4 года назад
английский чайник kettle сродни русскому котёл, но не напрямую, а происходит из немецкого Kessel, что означает и чайник, и котёл.
чайник на немецком полностью можно называть Teekessel
λ Искусственный Интеллект (259054) 4 года назад
Да. Оба слова от латинского catinus

Котёл. Общеславянское слово, заимствованное из германских языков (в готском находим katils), которые в свою очередь заимствовали из латыни, где находим catinus — «чашка».
"metal vessel used for boiling or heating liquids over a flame," Old English cetil, citel (Mercian), from Proto-Germanic *katilaz (compare Old Saxon ketel, Old Frisian zetel, Middle Dutch ketel, Old High German kezzil, German Kessel), which usually is said to be derived from Latin catillus "deep pan or dish for cooking," diminutive of catinus "deep vessel, bowl, dish, pot," from Proto-Italic *katino-.
Lisa Dixon Ученик (105) 3 года назад
Yes it is. Both the words are derived from akin. Best electric kettles in india are helpful to boil water in a short period, which is favorable for making coffee or tea quickly. For the past many decades, it plays a major role in the day-to-day life of hundreds of thousands of people.
Lisa DixonУченик (105) 3 года назад
It is an art to cook food and do it correctly while using the correct equipment, such as utensils, cooking top, or cookware. Induction cooktops have come into trends among people who like to cook. They increase an individual’s convenience and reduce the cooking time considerably. However, selecting the ideal induction cooktop can often be a complicated process. To help one choose the ideal one for them, don’t worry here is a guide to help pick the best induction cooktop in India that can offer the best cooking experience. read more;-
Lisa DixonУченик (105) 3 года назад
Chimney in the kitchen is an electrical appliance. The chimney absorbs fumes and smoke and keeps the kitchen neat and oil-free. It is placed right above the Gas stove. A perfect kitchen chimney will give a good look to your kitchen. You can either go for an old-fashioned chimney or a modern chimney.
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