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Английский срочно надо!! 1

Иван Мусоров Ученик (74), закрыт 3 года назад
1. Mary is one of (them, their, theirs) daughters.

2. Let (me, my, mine) repeat the question.

3. Could you please help (me, I, my) ?

4. I gave (he, him, his) this book last month. He returned (its, it) to (l, me, my) just yesterday.

5. (My, mine) dog is cute. I like (him, its) little paws.

6. When l looked at (-, my) hand l couldn’t understand why it was so dirty.

7. Take (mine, my) hat, please.

8. This car of (yours, your, you) is always dying!

9. Don’t forget to tell (him, he) that the party starts at 7 p.m.

10. She doesn’t like (my, mine) friends, but l like (her, hers).
Лучший ответ
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (150705) 3 года назад
1. Mary is one of their daughters.

2. Let me repeat the question.

3. Could you please help me ?

4. I gave him this book last month. He returned it to me just yesterday.

5. My dog is cute. I like its little paws.

6. When l looked at my hand l couldn’t understand why it was so dirty.

7. Take my hat, please.

8. This car of yours is always dying!

9. Don’t forget to tell him that the party starts at 7 p.m.

10. She doesn’t like my friends, but l like hers.
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