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Nikita Vovenko Профи (657), на голосовании 3 года назад
1. The author of the article wrote that until 1970s the Americans (to supply) themselves with the energy from their
own sources.
2. Magellan finally proved conclusively that the Earth (to be) not flat.
3. The guide informed us that there (to
be) no permanent residents on the island until 20% century.
4. Leonardo da Vinci discovered that the Moon (to shine) by
reflected sunshine.
5. Already in the 50s there was some
evidence that new discoveries in this field (to be made).
6.The scientist insisted that the sleep (to be) just a waste of
7. He discovered his abilities as a hypnotist when he (to
be) a schoolboy.
8. Socrates said that nothing (can) harm a
good man.
9. The man explained that he (not to speak) English.
Голосование за лучший ответ
nik Мастер (1338) 3 года назад
2. is
3. were
6. is
7. was
8. can
9. does not / doesn't
Mr.White Мудрец (14724) 3 года назад
1)had supplied
3)had been
4)was shone
5)had been made
9)didn't speak
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