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Вероника Смирнова Ученик (30), закрыт 3 года назад
EXERCISE 7. Divide the following words and word combina- tions into four groups, those which describe different cat- egories of hobbies: a) arts, b) collecting, c) handicrafts, d) games and sports. dancing, painting, stamps, coins, needlework, knitting, models, competitions, exercise, music, to sing, to play musical instruments, to play football, ceramics, to crochet, autographs, rare books, to attend concerts, records and tapes, to sew, jew- ellery making, physical activity.
Лучший ответ
Лида Высший разум (112450) 3 года назад
a) arts,-- dancing, painting, music, to sing, to play musical instruments, , to attend concerts
b) collecting, ---stamps, coins models autographs, rare books, records and tapes
c) handicrafts,---needlework, knitting, ceramics, to crochet, to sew jew- ellery making
d) games and sports. ---competitions, exercise to play football, physical activity.
Вероника СмирноваУченик (30) 3 года назад
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