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Владислав Первушин Ученик (187), закрыт 2 года назад
Лучший ответ
I am Happy Просветленный (27641) 2 года назад
1. A six-form is a college of further education.
2. A-level exams are the kind of exams which students take to have a higher chance to be selected by a university.
3. Young British can combine part-time college courses together with training schemes which involve on the job training.
4. Universities are free to select students.
5. University can accept a student on the basis of A-level results and a few conduct interviews.
6. To find a University place is still not easy.
7. Much personal supervision helps a vast majority of university students to complete their studies.
8. The popularity of higher education increased greatly in the last second half of the twentieth century.
9. UCAS is the University Central Admissions Service which acts as a messenger between a person and the universities.
10. In Scotland higher education normally lasts four years for most subjects.
Остальные ответы
ДЯДЯ С Искусственный Интеллект (798795) 2 года назад
... к приказам нужно нужно добавлять что нибудь типа шнеллер!!
Андрей Чернов Гений (73571) 2 года назад
А к скриншоту приложить микроскоп.
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