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Тест по английскому, помогите пожалуйста

Lina Профи (572), закрыт 2 года назад
The First Fleet arrived in Sydney Harbour in 1588
a. Where The First Fleet arrived in 1588?
b. Where did The First Fleet arrive in 1588?
c. Where does The First Fleet arrived in 1588?
d. Where do The First Fleet arrived in 1588?

The world’s largest oyster weigh is 30 kilograms.
a. Are The world’s largest oyster weigh don't 30 kilograms?
b. Do The world’s largest oyster weigh not 30 kilograms?
c. Does The world’s largest oyster weigh 30 kilograms?
d. The world’s largest oyster weigh 30 kilograms?

Almost 400,000 Australians died during the First World War.
a. How many Australians does died during the First World War?
b. How many Australians were died during the First World War?
c. How many Australians did died during the First World War?
d. How many Australians died during the First World War?

The world’s largest opal was found in 1990.
a. Why he world's largest opal was found in 1990?
b. Where is the world’s largest opal was found?
c. When was the world's largest opal found?
d. When was the world’s largest opal was found in 1990?

Australia has the lowest population density in the world,
a. Have Australia the lowest population density in the world.?
b. Does Australia has the lowest population density in the world?
c. Does Australia have the lowest population density in the world?
d. Do Australia has the lowest population density in the world?

Canberra stands as an exemplary city design
a. Is Canberra stands as an exemplary city design?
b. Does Canberra stand as an exemplary city design?
c. Does Canberra stands as an exemplary city design?
d. Do Canberra stands as an exemplary city design?

Canberra is located halfway between the ski slopes and the beach
a. Where Canberra is located halfway between the ski slopes and the beach?
b. Where is Canberra located?
c. Does Canberra is located halfway between the ski slopes and the beach?
d. Are Canberra located halfway between the ski slopes and the beach?

Australia broke away from the super-continent Gondwana more than 150 million Years ago.
a. Do Australia broke away from the super?
b. Are Australia broke away from the super?
c. Does Australia no broke away from the super?
d. Did Australia break away from the super?

The site of Canberra was selected for the location of the capital in 1808
a. When The site of Canberra was selected for the location of the capital in
sonpoe 1808?
b. Does The site of Canberra was selected for the location of the capital in
c. When was The site of Canberra selected for the location of the capital in
d. Is The site of Canberra was selected for the location of the capital in 1808?

Canberra is located between the ski slopes and the beach
a. Canberra located between the ski slopes and the beach?
b. Is Canberra is located between the ski slopes and the beach?
c.Do Canberra is located between the ski slopes and the beach?
d. Does Canberra is located between the ski slopes and the beach?

Australia's marine environments contain more than 14,000 fish varieties.
a. Australia's marine environments doesn't contain more than 14,000 fish varieties?
b. Australia's marine environments don't contain more than 14,000 fish varieties?
c. Australia's marine environments doesn't contain more than 14,000 fish varieties?
d. Australia's marine environments not contain more than 14,000 fish varieties?

Australia produces 95 per cent of the world’s precious opals.
a. Is Australia produces 95 per cent of the world's precious opals?|
b. Do Australia produces 95 per cent of the world's precious opals?
c. Does Australia produces 95 per cent of the world's precious opals?
d. Does Australia produce 95 per cent of the world's precious opals.
Лучший ответ
Лида Высший разум (112450) 2 года назад
The First Fleet arrived in Sydney Harbour in 1588
b. Where did The First Fleet arrive in 1588?

The world’s largest oyster weighs 30 kilograms.
c. Does The world’s largest oyster weigh 30 kilograms?

Almost 400,000 Australians died during the First World War.
d. How many Australians died during the First World War?

The world’s largest opal was found in 1990.
c. When was the world's largest opal found?

Australia has the lowest population density in the world,
c. Does Australia have the lowest population density in the world?

Canberra stands as an exemplary city design
b. Does Canberra stand as an exemplary city design?

Canberra is located halfway between the ski slopes and the beach
b. Where is Canberra located?

Australia broke away from the super-continent Gondwana more than 150 million Years ago.
d. Did Australia break away from the super?

The site of Canberra was selected for the location of the capital in 1808
c. When was The site of Canberra selected for the location of the capital in

Canberra is located between the ski slopes and the beach
b. Is Canberra located between the ski slopes and the beach?

Australia's marine environments contain more than 14,000 fish varieties.
b. Australia's marine environments don't contain more than 14,000 fish varieties

Australia produces 95 per cent of the world’s precious opals.
d. Does Australia produce 95 per cent of the world's precious opals.?
LinaПрофи (572) 2 года назад
LinaПрофи (572) 2 года назад
The heaviest crab was found in Bass Strait near Tasmania.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Where does the heaviest crab was found?
b. When do the heaviest crab was found in Bass Strait near Tasmania?
c. Where was the heaviest crab found?
d. Why were the heaviest crab found in Bass Strait near Tasmania?
Подскажите пожалуйста в этом вопросе)
ЛидаВысший разум (112450) 2 года назад
c. Where was the heaviest crab found?
Lina Профи (572) Лида, Спасибо большое!
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