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Англ яз, срочно

Артур Аверин Ученик (62), на голосовании 1 год назад
Use the following word combinations to write about Colin's wishes.

Example: to travel a lot 
a) I wish I travelled a lot.
b) If only I travelled a lot.

1. can play tennis and ride a horse
2. to be older
3. to go on a tour of Great Britain
4. to have an adventure
5. can impress the teacher
6. can win the game
7. to have more pocket money
8. to be a prince
9. can share a secret with my friends
10. can memorize poems easily
Голосование за лучший ответ
Ліон Гуру (2862) 1 год назад
1. I wish I could play tennis and rode a horse
2. I wish I was older
3. I wish I could go on a tour of Great Britain
4. I wish I had an adventure
5. I wish I could impress the teacher
6. I wish I could win the game
7. I wish I had more pocket money
8. I wish I was a prince
9. I wish I could share a secret with my friends
10. I wish I could memorize poems easily

I wish замени на If only
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