2 года назад
1 1. grandmother - i. mother of your mother or father
2. mother-in-law - b. mother of your wife or husband
3. nephew - e. son of your brother or sister
4. grandson - j. son of your son or daughter
5. niece - h. sister of your father or mother
6. great-grandfather - g. father of your grandfather or grandmother
7. uncle - c. brother of your mother or father
8. twin - d. one of two children born at the same time to the same mother
9. great-granddaughter - f. daughter of your grandson or
10. aunt - a. daughter of your brother or sister
2. mother-in-law
3. nephew
4. grandson
5. niece
6. great-grandfather
7. uncle
8. twin
9. great-granddaughter
10. aunt
a. daughter of your brother or sister
b. mother of your wife or husband
c. brother of your mother or father
d. one of two children born at the same time
to the same mother
e. son of your brother or sister
f. daughter of your grandson or
g. father of your grandfather or grandmother
h. sister of your father or mother
i. mother of your mother or father
j. son of your son or daughter