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Task 4 (30 points). Match the phrases and their definitions. Make up 10 sentences with these phrases.

Twilight Sword Ученик (28), закрыт 1 год назад
1) Get away with
2) Get behind
3) Get down to something
4) Get on
5) Get on with
6) Get out of
7) Get over
8) Get rid of
9) Get through
10) Get to

a) to board something
b) to have a pleasant relationship with someone
c) to make someone feel upset or angry
d) to succeed in avoiding punishment for something
e) to begin to feel better after being unhappy or sick
f) to fail to do as much work as you should by a particular time
g) to start to direct your efforts and attention towards something
h) to manage to talk to someone on the telephone
i) to exit something or some place
j) to throw something away or give something to someone because you do not want it now
Лучший ответ
Арина Самченкова Ученик (116) 1 год назад
Venti DanteЗнаток (385) 1 год назад
А это точно правильный ответ?
Monika Ученик (236) Venti Dante, нет
Остальные ответы
Monika Ученик (236) 8 месяцев назад
1) Get away with - i) to exit something or some place

2) Get behind - f) to fail to do as much work as you should by a particular time

3) Get down to something - g) to start to direct your efforts and attention towards something

4) Get on - a) to board something

5) Get on with - b) to have a pleasant relationship with someone

6) Get out of - d) to succeed in avoiding punishment for something

7) Get over - e) to begin to feel better after being unhappy or sick

8) Get rid of - j) to throw something away or give something to someone because you do not want it now

9) Get through - c) to make someone feel upset or angry

10) Get to - h) to manage to talk to someone on the telephone
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