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Помогите пожалуйста решить (нужно еще перевести и составить 4 вопроса к любому из предложений)

Ксюша Бадретдинова Ученик (203), на голосовании 1 год назад
Task 2. Complete the quiz and check how commercial - literate you are.
1. An ad that displays in a new browser window that opens over the existing
window is a
(a) pop-under ad
(b) pop-over ad
(c) pop-up ad
2. Software that stops a browser from showing ads on a webpage is called
(a) an ad block
(b) an ad blocker
(c) an ad blockage
3. A server is a specialized internet __ that serves website pages on request.
(a) browser
(b) computer
(c) advertiser
4. If a thousand people see a banner ad and ten of those click on it, the ad
has a 1%
(a) click-through rate
(b) targeting rate
(c) hit-through rate
5. Website traffic is measured in terms of visitor sessions and
(a) pageviews
(b) roadblocks
(c) filesizes
6. What do we call a publisher's list of prices for various ad placement
(a) an option card
(b) a rate card
(c) a price point
7. Run-of-site ads are typically _ run-of-category ads because
they're less targeted.
(a) cheaper than
(b) the same price as
(c) more expensive than
8. Which payment method is for advertisers who only want to pay when an ad leads to a sale?
(a) cost-per-click or CPC
(b) cost-per-action or CPA
(c) cost-per-mille or CPM
9. Which payment method is for advertisers who want to pay for a specific
number of ad views or impressions?
(a) cost-per-click or CPC
(b) cost-per-action or CPA
(c) cost-per-mille or CPM
10. What do we call online ads that load between two content pages?
(a) banner ads
(b) advertorials
(c) interstitials
Голосование за лучший ответ
Andrew Borichevski Знаток (432) 1 год назад
1с 2b 3b 4a 5a 6b 7a 8b 9c 10c
Website traffic is measured in terms of visitor sessions and pageviews
Трафик веб-сайта измеряется пользовательскими сеансами и просмотрами страниц.

Is website traffic measured in terms of visitor sessions and pageviews?
Website traffic measured in terms of visitor sessions and pageviews, isn't it?
Is website traffic measured in terms of visitor sessions and pageviews or not?
What is measured in terms of visitor sessions and pageviews?
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