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Помогите по инглишу 7 класс

Тимур Мищенко Ученик (28), закрыт 1 год назад
Task 2 (30 points).

Complete the sentences using Future Simple and Present Simple.

If you ___________________ (squeeze) a grapefruit, you ___________________ (get) some grapefruit juice.
You ___________________ (put on) much more weight if you ___________________ (continue) eating pastry.
If I ___________________ (study) a lot, I ___________________ (get) an “A” in Math.
If you ___________________ (press) that button, the washing machine ___________________ (stop). But it can lock-up.
If you ___________________ (not apologize), Mary ___________________ (not forgive) you.
If you ___________________ (dust) the rooms today, I ___________________ (do the dishes).
What ___________________ (happen) if I ___________________ (press) that button?
If there ___________________ (not be) clean water, people and animals ___________________ (die).
If we ___________________ (not recycle) waste, our planet ___________________ (be) even more polluted.
It ___________________ (be) broken if you ___________________ (press) it too tight.
If you ___________________ (touch) my cat, it ___________________ (scratch) you.
There ___________________ (be) traffic jams if it ___________________ (snow).
You ___________________ (see) the Trafalgar Square if you ___________________ (visit) London.
If you ___________________ (speak) louder, Grandpa ___________________ (hear) you.
I ___________________ (give) you a sweet if you ___________________ (behave).
Лучший ответ
Joseph Гений (65029) 1 год назад
If you squeeze a grapefruit, you'll get some grapefruit juice.
You'll put on much more weight if you continue eating pastry.
If I study a lot, I'll get an “A” in Math.
If you press that button, the washing machine will stop. But it can lock-up.
If you don't apologize, Mary won't forgive you.
If you dust the rooms today, I'll do the dishes.
What will happen if I press that button?
If there isn't clean water, people and animals will die.
If we don't recycle waste, our planet will be even more polluted.
It will be broken if you press it too tight.
If you touch my cat, it'll scratch you.
There will be traffic jams if it snows.
You'll see Trafalgar Square if you visit London.
If you speak louder, Grandpa will hear you.
I'll give you a sweet if you behave.
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