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Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком :((

Мария Рождественская Ученик (11), закрыт 1 год назад
Нужно составить 8 вопросов к тексту (2 - general, 2 - alternative, 2 - special, 2 - disjunctive)
Лучший ответ
I am Happy Просветленный (27669) 1 год назад
1 Is Mount Cook the highest mountain peak in New Zealand?
2 Do sharp snowy peaks, rocky shores, glaciers, fjords and pastures create a majestic landscape of New Zealand?
3 Did the Maori people arrived to New Zealand by canoe or by ship?
4 Was New Zealand named after a region in the Netherlands or after a region in France?
5 Why did New Zealand become a British colony in 1840?
6 What are the main exports of New Zeland?
7 New Zealand is nominally constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy, isn't it?
8 Maori cultural traditions include music and dance, carving, weaving, and oral story-telling, don't they?
I am HappyПросветленный (27669) 1 год назад
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