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Тест по английскому языку

Kirill Urbanovich Ученик (65), закрыт 1 год назад
Необходимо соотнести
a) lecturer
b) assignment
c) graduate
d) professor
e) tuition fee
f) tutor
g) term
h) postgraduate
i) scholarship
j) undergraduate
1.A person who has completed a university degree.
2.A teacher of the highest rank in a university department.
3.Work that you must do as a part of a course of study.
4. A period of time into which the teaching year is divided at
5.Money that you pay to take classes at a university.
6.A student who is doing a university course for a first
7. A student who is doing studies at a university after he has
received his first degree.
8.Money given to a student to pay for a course of study.
9. A teacher who directs studies in a small group and gives
private instructions.
10. A teacher who gives lectures, esp. at a university, college.
Лучший ответ
spy Мастер (2260) 1 год назад
c) graduate
d) professor
b) assignment
g) term
e) tuition fee
j) undergraduate
h) postgraduate
i) scholarship
f) tutor
a) lecturer
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