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Английский язык помощь пожалуйста плиз

sonia matashkova Ученик (112), закрыт 1 год назад
XI. Transform the following sentences from reported speech into
direct questions.
1. The judge told us what crime the accused would be guilty of, if the evidence supplied by the prosecution was true.
2. When the judge had finished his summing up, he asked the jury to consider their verdict.
3. The secretary when asked about the difference between a solicitor and a barrister said that solicitors could appear in the lower courts of justice and could speak for their clients.
4. I inquired what one had to do if he needed a barrister in the High Court.
5. He was interested to know when a barrister could ask to be made a Queen's Counsel, or Q.C.
6. My friend wondered what he was supposed to do, if he got into trouble with the law in England.
7. He wondered if someone might need a barrister in the High Court.
8. This person wanted to know if it was the solicitor who collected any evidence that was needed.
9. The man asked if a solicitor could appear for his client in the higher courts of justice.
10. The student was interested to know if solicitors had the same examinations to pass as barristers.
11. He'd like to know if a barrister who was made a Queen's Counsel, or Q.C. could be called upon the prosecution.
12. He asked if all barristers could make much money.
13. He inquired what were other ways for a barrister if he didn't get briefs' to earn money.
Лучший ответ
I am Happy Просветленный (27629) 1 год назад
1. Do you know what crime the accused will be guilty of, if the evidence supplied by the prosecution is true?
2. What is your verdict, ladies and gentlemen of the jury?
3. What is the difference between a solicitor and a barrister?
4. What to do if someone needs a barrister in the High Court?
5. When can a barrister ask to be made a Queen's Counsel, or Q.C.?
6. What am I supposed to do if I get into trouble with the law in England?
7. Might someone need a barrister in the High Court?
8. Does the solicitor collect any evidence that is needed?
9. Can a solicitor appear for his client in the higher courts of justice?
10. Do solicitors have the same examinations to pass as barristers?
11. Can a barrister who is made a Queen's Counsel, or Q.C. be called upon the prosecution?
12. Can all barristers make much money?
13. What are other ways for a barrister if he doesn't get briefs' to earn money?
Остальные ответы
Саша Петрова Ученик (103) 1 год назад
перевести или что нужно делать?
sonia matashkovaУченик (112) 1 год назад
сможешь помочь?
Хрустальный Череп Ученик (189) 1 год назад
XI. Преобразуйте следующие предложения из сообщаемой речи в прямые вопросы. 1. Судья сообщил нам, в каком преступлении будет виновен обвиняемый, если доказательства, представленные обвинением, верны.
sonia matashkovaУченик (112) 1 год назад
нужно задать прямой вопрос?
Хрустальный Череп Ученик (189) sonia matashkova, нужно преобразавать речи в вопросы. Но для лучшего понимания советую все перевести в переводчике.
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