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Complete the sentences with the correct word

Денис Смирнов Ученик (98), закрыт 1 год назад
(in/ with/ through/ under/ together/ on/ up/ out)
1. She sought ___ and acquired all his early paintings.
2. Don’t take ___ more than you can cope with.
3. Keep it ___ mind when you come to make your decision.
4. His novel has gone ___ ten editions.
5. He took the camera to pieces and then put it ___ again.
6. The project is now well ___ way.
7. She came ___ with a new idea for adapting the script.
8. The project has been set up in liaison ___ the art department.
Лучший ответ
I am Happy Просветленный (27674) 1 год назад
1. She sought out and acquired all his early paintings.
2. Don’t take on more than you can cope with.
3. Keep it in mind when you come to make your decision.
4. His novel has gone through ten editions.
5. He took the camera to pieces and then put it together again.
6. The project is now well under way.
7. She came up with a new idea for adapting the script.
8. The project has been set up in liaison with the art department.
Денис СмирновУченик (98) 1 год назад
I am Happy Просветленный (27674) Денис Смирнов, не за что. А второй вопрос - там, видимо, из текста выражения. Так трудно подобрать.
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