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Помогите составить 10 предложений с этими словами:

Девочка Мечта Ученик (194), закрыт 1 год назад
To affect
To take for granted
To escalate
To put at risk
Stray animals
Suspicions activity
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I am Happy Просветленный (27670) 1 год назад
1) There is a Russian community in New York.
2) Smoking affects your health.
3) Water is a resource we too often take for granted.
4) If demand escalates, supply grows too.
5) Well-being is a state of mind.
6) I'm begging you not to do it. Family and love are put at risk.
7) It doesn't matter if you are a resident or not. You must pay taxes.
8) This plant needs frequent watering to grow.
9) I'm sick and tired of your complaints. You are constantly ranting at me.
10) At the age of 14, he was arrested for loitering.
11) Warning: illegal access will cause us to call the police.
12) Ongoing monitoring indicates that sales are increasing.
13) Cockroach is a nuisance, not a threat.
14) Many stray animals remain on city streets.
15) Leaving packages, bags, or other items behind are examples of suspicious activity.
Девочка МечтаУченик (194) 1 год назад
Спасибо! ^^
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