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Помогите решить по английскомусязыку срочно

Дарья Тарасова Ученик (32), закрыт 1 год назад
Поставьте данный в скобках глагол в верную грамматическую форму Past Simple или Past Continuous:
1)When I (do) this work, I felt like a professional organizer.
2)Her friend took this photo while she (look) the other way
3)I (do) the job for two hours and still didn't finish it.
4)While I (live) in London, I met a lot of interesting people.
5)I was reading a book when he (come) .
6)I was writing a letter when you (phone).

Заполните пропуски, чтобы получилось отрицательное предложение.
1)Where did they go? - They ... anywhere.
2)What did he find? – They ... anything.
3)What did you hear? - I ... anything.
4)Who did they know? – They ... anyone.
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Остальные ответы
quarmiggelt Мудрец (12823) 1 год назад
куда тебе-срочно,завтра воскресенье?
konbanwa Искусственный Интеллект (181027) 1 год назад
Смотри: на синей полоске есть надпись "Категории". Нажимаешь её и под ней нажимаешь "ДОМАШНИЕ ЗАДАНИЯ". Там тебе всё сделают бесплатно.
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (153046) 1 год назад
Поставьте данный в скобках глагол в верную грамматическую форму Past Simple или Past Continuous:
1)When I was doing this work, I felt like a professional organizer.
2)Her friend took this photo while she was looking the other way
3)I was doing the job for two hours and still didn't finish it.
4)While I was living in London, I met a lot of interesting people.
5)I was reading a book when he came .
6)I was writing a letter when you phoned.

Заполните пропуски, чтобы получилось отрицательное предложение.
1)Where did they go? - They didn't go... anywhere.
2)What did he find? – They .didn't find.. anything.
3)What did you hear? - I .didn't hear.. anything.
4)Who did they know? – They ...didn't know anyone.
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