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Помогите с дз по англу, оч срочно, завтра сдавать

Альберт Аветисян Ученик (105), закрыт 1 год назад
Нужно в пассивный залог
1.I clean my flat every day.
2.She washed her car yesterday.
3.I am checking my eyes now.
4. He will fix a car tomorrow.
5. We have made present for him.
6.They took photos of this sightseeing yesterday.
7. She is doing her hair now.
8.My mother does the nails every day.
9.My grandmother has dyed her hair. 10. My grandfather whitened teeth yesterday. 11. He was decorating the house. 12. She will make costumes. 13. They are making a cake now.
14. He is going to water the flowers.
Лучший ответ
I am Happy Просветленный (27669) 1 год назад
1.The flat is cleaned by me every day.
2.The car was washed by her yesterday.
3.My eyes are being checked right now.
4. A car will be fixed by him tomorrow.
5. A present for him has been made by us.
6.The photos of this sightseeing were taken by them yesterday.
7. Her hair is being done now.
8.My mother's nails are done every day.
9.My grandmother's hair has been dyed.
10. My grandfather's teeth were whitened yesterday.
11. The house was being decorated by him.
12. Costumes will be made by her.
13. A cake is being made by them now.
14.The flowers are going to be watered by him.
Альберт АветисянУченик (105) 1 год назад
спасибо большое
I am Happy Просветленный (27669) Альберт Аветисян, удачи
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