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gloomilyxxx Знаток (334), на голосовании 1 год назад
Помогите! Use the verbs in past simple of present perfect to complete the dialogues, then read the dialogues in pairs. определить время предложения, поставить глагол в скобках в верную форму.
1)-You ever (1be) to Australia? 2)-You (1buy) the dictionaries yet?
- Yes. Several times. -Yes.
- When you (2be) there last? -When you (2buy) them? Yesterday
-I (3 be) there in 2011. -Yesterday.
-What places you (4 visit)? -Where you (3buy) them?
-In the book shop near my house.
3)-Where is John now?
-He (1go) to the bank.
-Why he (2go) there?
-He (3go) there to take some money out of it.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Олег Папиросик Мастер (1441) 1 год назад
  1. Have you ever been to Australia?
Have you bought the dictionaries yet?
Yes. Several times.
When were you there last?
When did you buy them? Yesterday.
I was there in 2011.
What places did you visit?
Where did you buy them?
In the bookstore near my house.
  1. Where is John now?
He went to the bank.
Why did he go there?
He went there to withdraw some money.
The first dialogue is in present perfect, while the second one is in past simple.
none none Ученик (110) 1 год назад
ну ты и тyпoй кнш, такого не знать. вообще идиoт какой то
Nigger DiggerУченик (102) 1 год назад
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