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Вася Барсуков Ученик (121), на голосовании 1 год назад
Year Module 6c Test B
1. Choose the correct alternatives. (2,5 points)
1) She said/told that it was raining.
2) Lisa said/told me that she would call at
3) Layla said/asked Frida to help her.
4) My mother asked/told if I cooked any
vegetables for supper.
5) They said/told us to come on Saturday,
2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions in reported speech.
I) "He came yesterday." She said that he had come …
2) "I will contact you tomorrow." He said he would contact me…
3) "My brother was here today," She said that her brother had been …
4) "Where will you go …?" They wanted to know where I would go the following summer.
5) "I have read all about it in … newspaper." He said he had read all about it in that day's
3. Rewrite each sentence using reported speech.
l) My friend said: "Watch this film"
2) Mother asked: "Don't be late"
3) Frank said, "They are getting married
4) He said, "I can drive a car."
5) "My sister is ready to go now" Helen said.
6) She said, "Somebody has stolen my bag".
7) "I have my English lesson today", my
sister said to me.
8) "I saw the film last night," she said.
9) Kelly said, "I didn't want to wear this hat
10) Gerry asked, "Can you lend me some
4. Write the direct questions.
1) He asked if I lived in Japan. "Do …
2) He asked if I would help. "Will…
3) He asked if I had been out. "Have …?"
4) He asked if I was going for dinner that night.
"Are …
… for dinner tonight?"
5) He asked if my friends were with me. "Are …
in Japan?"
5. Choose the correct alternatives. (2,5 points)
1) "Did you listen to the CD?" - He asked if I have listened / had listened to the CD.
2) "Are your friends funny?" - He asked if my friends were/were my friends funny.
3) "Can you speak French?" - He asked if I can speak/could speak French.
4) "Do you really come from Japan?" - He asked if did I really come/I really came from Japan.
5) "Will you help me?" - He asked if I helped/would help him.
6. Write the indirect questions.
He wanted to know …
1. How are you?
2. Where have you been?
3. How much do you earn?
4. When will you pay my money back?
5. Why did you move to another place?
0 - 14
15 - 20
21 - 26
27 - 30
Голосование за лучший ответ
bony_right_hand Мастер (1379) 1 год назад
1)1.She said that it was raining.
2.Lisa told me that she would call at 3) Layla asked Frida to help her.
3.My mother asked if I had cooked any vegetables for supper.
4.They told us to come on Saturday at 2 p.m.

2) 1.She said that he had come the day before.
2.He said he would contact me the following day.
3.She said that her brother had been there that day.
4.They wanted to know where I would go the following summer.
5.He said he had read all about it in that day's newspaper.

3)1.My friend told me to watch that film.
2.Mother asked me not to be late.
3.Frank said that they were getting married the next day.
4.He said he could drive a car.
5.Helen said that her sister was ready to go then.
6.She said that somebody had stolen her bag.
7.My sister said to me that she had her English lesson that day.
8.She said that she had seen the film the night before.
9.Kelly said that she hadn't wanted to wear that hat the day before.
10.Gerry asked if I could lend him some money.

4) 1."Do you live in Japan?"
2."Will you help?"
3."Have you been out?"
4."Are you going for dinner tonight?"
5."Are your friends with you in Japan?"

5) 1.He asked if I had listened to the CD.
2.He asked if my friends were funny.
3.He asked if I could speak French.
4.He asked if I really came from Japan.
5.He asked if I would help him.

6) 1.He wanted to know how I was.
2.He wanted to know where I had been.
3.He wanted to know how much I earned.
4.He wanted to know when I would pay his money back.
5.He wanted to know why I had moved to [a certain place].
Вася Барсуков Ученик (121) 1 год назад
Спасибо, ты просто лучший!
bony_right_hand Мастер (1379) Вася Барсуков , Рад помочь
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