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What is the difference between the following words? Write definitions in English.Make up four sentences with these words

Give me a name Ученик (63), на голосовании 1 год назад
Advertisement — announcement

Definitions: _______________________________________________________________



Temper — mood

Definitions: _______________________________________________________________




Голосование за лучший ответ
Chromatic Scale Искусственный Интеллект (217535) 1 год назад
Advertisement: a paid or unpaid promotion of a product or service, typically through various media channels such as television, radio, internet, or print media.

Announcement: a public statement, either written or spoken, that communicates important information to a large group of people.

Temper: a person's state of mind, including their emotional state and mood.

Mood: a temporary emotional state or feeling that affects a person's behavior, attitudes, and perception of the world around them.


1. The company released an advertisement for their new product line, showcasing its features and benefits to potential customers.
2. The school made an announcement about the upcoming holiday break, providing details about the schedule and activities.
3. His temper flared up when he found out he didn't get the job he had applied for, and he ended up yelling at his friend for no reason.
4. She was in a cheerful mood after hearing the news of her promotion, and she spent the rest of the day celebrating with her colleagues.
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