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Контрольная по английскому

Даниил Демиденко Ученик (95), на голосовании 11 месяцев назад
1 London stands on the river...
A Thames; B Clyde; C Avon.
2 Where does Queen Elizabeth 2 live?
A Buckingham Palace; B the Tower; C Westminster Abbey.
3 It is one of the oldest buildings in London.
A Whitehall; B the Tower; C Big Ben.
4 It is the most famous clock-bell in the UK.
A Westminster; B Buckingham; C Big Ben.
5 It is one of the most famous bridges in London over the river Thames.
A Millennium; B Tower; C Buckingham.
6 You can see many wild animals there.
A Hyde Park; B the City; C London Zoo.
7 It is one of the most famous museums in the world.
A Whitehall; B Big Ben; C the British Museum.
8 There are many banks and offices there.
A Hyde Park; B the Tower; C the City.
9 There is a monument to Admiral Nelson there.
A Trafalgar square; B Hyde Park; C London Zoo.
10 It was built by architect Christopher Wren.
A Whitehall; B the Tower; C St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Голосование за лучший ответ
вариант холодно Мастер (1238) 12 месяцев назад
1 A Thames. 2 A Buckingham Palace. 3 C Big Ben. 4 C Big Ben. 5 A Millennium. 6 C London Zoo. 7 C the British Museum. 8 C the City. 9 A Trafalgar square. 10 C St. Paul’s Cathedral.
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