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Помогите пожалуйста выполнить задания по английскому ниже. Очень срочно нужно

wmr mrrw Ученик (17), на голосовании 10 месяцев назад
1. Fill in: for, up, at, in.

I will pick_____my little brother from school.

My dad works_____Brown and Co.

He is_____charge of ten people.

You shouldn’t pick______your food.

2. Complete the sentences using Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.

1. Father _____ (watch) TV at ten o’clock yesterday.

2. We______(play) football in the evening.

3. He______(lock) the door.

4. Kate______(do) her work before her parents returned home.

5. John______(read) this book when his mother came.

3. Запишите в косвенной речи:

1. 'I am very tired.'
2. 'You play the piano very well.'
3. 'Can you give us a hand?'
4. 'We 're leaving the town.'
5. 'He hasn't shaved.'
6. 'Your parents have had an accident.'
7. 'I left home at seventeen.'
8. 'Don't worry! He won't say anything to the police'.
9. 'None of our relatives will come.'
10. 'This parcel has been opened at the customs.'
Голосование за лучший ответ
Joseph Гений (62552) 11 месяцев назад
1. Fill in: for, up, at, in.

I will pick up my little brother from school.

My dad works for Brown and Co.

He is in charge of ten people.

You shouldn’t pick at your food.

2. Complete the sentences using Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.

1. Father was watching TV at ten o’clock yesterday.

2. We played football in the evening.

3. He has locked the door.

4. Kate was doing her work before her parents returned home.

5. John was reading this book when his mother came.
Эва Знаток (366) 11 месяцев назад
- I will pick up my little brother from school.
- My dad works at Brown and Co.
- He is in charge of ten people.
- You shouldn't pick at your food.


- Father watched TV at ten o'clock yesterday. (Past Simple)
- We were playing football in the evening. (Past Continuous)
- He had locked the door. (Past Perfect)
- Kate had done her work before her parents returned home. (Past Perfect)
- John was reading this book when his mother came. (Past Continuous)


- He said he was very tired.
- She said I played the piano very well.
- She asked if we could give them a hand.
- They said they were leaving the town.
- He said he hadn't shaved.
- They said our parents had had an accident.
- She said she left home at seventeen.
- He assured me that he wouldn't say anything to the police.
- They said none of their relatives would come.
- It was reported that the parcel had been opened at the customs.
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