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Иван Пакулов Ученик (129), на голосовании 10 месяцев назад

Personally, I have a great experience from getting involved with an animal shelter. I've met new people, cuddled with amazing animals, and even learned a few more skills. I used to be way less confident and unsure of what I am capable of, but becoming a volunteer at the shelter made me see that sometimes you just had to put up with it and get things done, and trust that you can handle the tasks or responsibilities that were given to you. Anyone can _____(give,use,lend,take)
a helping hand!


Sometimes, you experience sad things, like badly treated animals that come in off the streets or from bad homes. You see injuries, sickness, and _____(neglect,abandon,provide,persuade)
really close, and that is never easy. But in the end, you learn how to perform the tasks ______(morally,upright,properly,worthwhile)
and help out where you can. It is an amazing experience and I'd recommend that animal lovers try it out at least once.


I went to the shelter and asked the staff if I could go to the free room, hang ______(out,away,in,up)
with some pets. Cats came over and played with me. I got a couple of them home after a short time. Both of them are always hungry, loud creatures who sleep on my bed all day long, but that's fine because they let me sleep there too. I'm so happy to provide a foster home for them.
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Иван Иванов Мыслитель (5975) 12 месяцев назад

Personally, I have a great experience from getting involved with an animal shelter. I've met new people, cuddled with amazing animals, and even learned a few more skills. I used to be way less confident and unsure of what I am capable of, but becoming a volunteer at the shelter made me see that sometimes you just had to put up with it and get things done, and trust that you can handle the tasks or responsibilities that were given to you. Anyone can give a helping hand!


Sometimes, you experience sad things, like badly treated animals that come in off the streets or from bad homes. You see injuries, sickness, and neglect really close, and that is never easy. But in the end, you learn how to perform the tasks properly and help out where you can. It is an amazing experience and I'd recommend that animal lovers try it out at least once.


I went to the shelter and asked the staff if I could go to the free room, hang out with some pets. Cats came over and played with me. I got a couple of them home after a short time. Both of them are always hungry, loud creatures who sleep on my bed all day long, but that's fine because they let me sleep there too. I'm so happy to provide a foster home for them.
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