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Asia Ученик (105), закрыт 11 месяцев назад
Make up sentences using gerunds.

1. Forgive (I, take up) so much of your time. 2. Do you mind (he, join) us? 3. Does he feel like (stay) here for another week? 4.1 appreciate (you, encourage) him when he failed in his experiment. 5. Do you know the reason for (he, feel) disappointed? 6. "It's no good (you, hate) it," he said becoming didactic. 7. Only the other day they had been talking about (something, happen), 8, She was listening hard all the time for any sound of (Jan, descend) the stairs. 9. He wishes he'd never told you the truth but it's no use (he, deny) it. 10. Cursing himself for (not learn) to drive a car he woke up Toni. 11. Of course, I should insist on (you, accept) the proper professional fee. 12. Bob was feeling rather unwell, and was not really looking forward to (we, visit) him. 13. My father thinks I am not capable of (earn) my own living. 14. He warned us that there was no point in (we, arrive) half an hour earlier. 15. They were talking about (she, give up) the job and (go) to live in the country.
Лучший ответ
Courage the Cowardly Dog Просветленный (21643) 11 месяцев назад
1. Forgive me for taking up so much of your time.
2. Do you mind him joining us?
3. Does he feel like staying here for another week?
4. I appreciate you encouraging him when he failed in his experiment.
5. Do you know the reason for him feeling disappointed?
6. "It's no good you hating it," he said becoming didactic.
7. Only the other day they had been talking about something happening.
8. She was listening hard all the time for any sound of Jan descending the stairs.
9. He wishes he'd never told you the truth but it's no use denying it.
10. Cursing himself for not learning to drive a car, he woke up Toni.
11. Of course, I should insist on you accepting the proper professional fee.
12. Bob was feeling rather unwell and not really looking forward to us visiting him.
13. My father thinks I am not capable of earning my own living.
14. He warned us that there was no point in us arriving half an hour earlier.
15. They were talking about her giving up the job and going to live in the country.
AsiaУченик (105) 11 месяцев назад
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