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Английский язык, 7 класс , неделя 37 (8 мая - 13 мая)

ЭЛ Ученик (117), на голосовании 10 месяцев назад
Task 1 .

Open the brackets using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous. Write full sentences.

Mary usually _____ (drive) to work when she lived in the suburbs.

Kids often _____ (go) to the mall on weekends.

I _____ (have) a terrible headache right now, I can’t play.

When my parents _____ (be) young, they both _____ (attend) the same school.

_____ (Josh / send) his letter yesterday?

3 hours ago Michael _____ (play) outside when you _____ (come).

Look! My dog _____ (play) with yours!

Last year Tim _____ (be) 14, so he is 15 now.

– _____ (it / rain)?
– No, not at the moment.


Turn off the lights – he _____ (sleep).

Task 2 (20 points).

Open the brackets and put the verbs into Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, or use the construction “to be going to”. Write full sentences.

Bus usually _____ (arrive) at 10:00, but today it’s 15 minutes late.

I’m sure it _____ (rain) all spring.

We bought tickets and we _____ (visit) the museum at the weekend.

When I arrive I _____ (water) the plants as I haven’t been at home for a week.

If you do some exercises, you _____ (feel) better.

Sarah with her sisters _____ (go) shopping tomorrow as they all need new dresses.

Do you think Claire _____ (win) this match?

Steve is playing badly. He _____ (lose) the game.

He _____ (be late) if he doesn’t hurry up.

When _____ (the train / depart)?

Task 3 (16 points).

Put the verbs into the correct form: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous. Write full sentences.

Where were you?! I _____ (wait) for an hour and a half!

I _____ (reply) to 10 applicants so far.

My brother ______ (get up) at 5 a.m. every day. So early!

We ______ (drive) home at 7 o’clock last night.

_____ it your phone _____ (ring)? Pick it up!

Somebody ______ (knock) while I _______ (make) a pie.
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