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Степкина Виктория Ученик (136), на голосовании 10 месяцев назад
1. I seldom go for a walk in the yard.
2. My mother usually dresses at eight o'clock.
3. I sometimes wash up in the afternoon.
4. Ben and Dan often play chess in the evening.
5. My father usually goes to the stadium on Sundays.
6. We like to read the books in the evening.
7. My friend always watches TV at seven o'clock.
8. She sometimes has dinner at a quarter to four.
9. They seldom get up at eight o'clock.
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Диего Марадона Просветленный (20239) 11 месяцев назад
Do you often go for a walk in the yard? / I don't usually go for a walk in the yard.
Does your mother sometimes dress at eight o'clock? / My mother doesn't always dress at eight o'clock.
Do you wash up in the afternoon? / I don't always wash up in the afternoon.
Do Ben and Dan rarely play chess in the evening? / Ben and Dan sometimes play chess in the evening.
Does your father usually go to the stadium on Sundays? / My father isn't always going to the stadium on Sundays.
Do you like to read the books in the evening? / I don't always like to read books in the evening.
Does your friend always watch TV at seven o'clock? / My friend doesn't sometimes watch TV at seven o'clock.
Does she sometimes have dinner at a quarter to four? / She doesn't always have dinner at a quarter to four.
Do they often get up at eight o'clock? / They seldom get up at eight o'clock.
Степкина ВикторияУченик (136) 11 месяцев назад
А почему в Ban and Dan в вопросе rarely, a в отрицании sometimes ?
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