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q4t3 qt43 Профи (609), закрыт 10 месяцев назад
Ответь на вопросы к тексту упражнения 4
Номер 4 : 1. Up 2. Ate 3. Drank 4. Went 5. Met 6. Came 7. Were 8. Wrote 9. Be 10. Got 11. Have.

1. Did Jane get up at eight o'clock yesterday? 2. Did she eat sandwiches for breakfast? 3. Did she drink coffee? 4. Did she meet her neighbour on the way to school? 5. Did the girls come to school at 8:30? 6. Did they have a test at the first lesson? 7. Did Jane write the test without mistakes? 8. Did she get a mark for the test? 9. Was Jane happy?
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