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Английский ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА нужно исправить ошибки в тексте тема сравнительная и превосходная степень прилагательных

Коль Шмель Знаток (420), закрыт 11 месяцев назад
Lizzy is my better friend. We are very close. To tell the truth, I don't
know why Lizzy is so fond of me. Lizzy is beautifuler than me. She is so
beautiful as a Hollywood star and I'm plain. Though she is not very slim
(I'm slimmest), all the boys at the disco want to dance with Lizzy. I
don't envy her, but I'd like to be as prettier as Lizzy. Lizzy is most
talented than me and she is very good at tennis. The more I think, the
little I understand. But Lizzy says that I'm silly. I'm most loyal friend
she has ever had. We share so many things that she can't think of
anyone good.
Лучший ответ
Alexander Alenitsyn Высший разум (760098) 11 месяцев назад
Lizzy is more beautiful than me. Though she is not very slim
(I'm slimmer her), all the boys at the disco want to dance with Lizzy.
I don't envy her, but I'd like to be as pretty as Lizzy. Lizzy is more
talented than me and she is very good at tennis. The more I think, the
less I understand. I'm the most loyal friend she has ever had.
Остальные ответы
Спартак Бендеров (SJBatya) Гуру (4362) 11 месяцев назад
Подкатегория: Русский Язык
Коль ШмельЗнаток (420) 11 месяцев назад
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