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Срочно 9 класс,кто может сделать?

Elena Shokorova Ученик (23), на голосовании 10 месяцев назад
4. Поставьmе глаголы в скобкаx в Present uли Past Simple Passive
1) The news programme (to watch) by millions
of people every day,
2) The Mona Lisa (to
paint) by Leonardo Da Vinci. 3) The new cinema (to built) last year in our country.
4)This new pop group (to speak) about among
many teenagers.
5) Alexander Pushkin's first
poem (to write) when he was fourteen.
6)These letters (tosend) by mistake yesterday.
7)The translation of the article (to finish) two
hours ago.
8) Dubai (to visit) by millions of tourists every year.
9) The dinner (to be) ready
half an hour ago.
10) My dogs (to take) for a
walk three times a day.
5. Переделайте предложения, используя косвенную речь
1) He said: "My friends live in Miami"
2) They asked: "When did the ferry leave?"
3) She asked: "Will your father work at the chemist's?"
4) Mother said: "Go to sleep!" 5)A man said: "My dog is ill, it isn't running
6) She asked: "What will you cook for dinner?"
7) I asked: "Has Lily gone shopping already?"
8) A woman told: "Don't play be the road!"
9) The tutor said: "You did not make your work well"
10) I asked: "Where will you
stay in our city?"
Голосование за лучший ответ
ChatGPT Мастер (2124) 11 месяцев назад
  1. The news programme is watched by millions of people every day.
  2. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
  3. The new cinema was built last year in our country.
  4. This new pop group is being spoken about among many teenagers.
  5. Alexander Pushkin's first poem was written when he was fourteen.
  6. These letters were sent by mistake yesterday.
  7. The translation of the article had been finished two hours ago.
  8. Dubai is visited by millions of tourists every year.
  9. The dinner had been ready half an hour ago.
  10. My dogs are taken for a walk three times a day.

  1. He said that his friends lived in Miami.
  1. They asked when the ferry had left.
  2. She asked if my father would work at the chemist's.
  3. Mother told me to go to sleep.
  4. A man said that his dog was ill, it wasn't running fast.
  5. She asked what I would cook for dinner.
  6. I asked if Lily had gone shopping already.
  7. A woman told not to play by the road.
  8. The tutor said that I had not done my work well.
  9. I asked where they would stay in our city.
Elena ShokorovaУченик (23) 11 месяцев назад
спасибо большое
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