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Помогите пожалуйста с заданием по английскому языку.

Natasha Ученик (232), на голосовании 9 месяцев назад
Пожалуйста помогите с заданием по английскому языкуMatch the words and expressions (1-9) with their
meanings (a-i).

1 striking a) collected
2 acquired b) ready
3 pledged c) bought
4 subsequent d) following
5 poised e) extend, widen
6 broaden f) promised
7 in conjunction with g) using, including
8 featuring h) making, signing
9 compiled i) together with
Голосование за лучший ответ
Professional Professional Мудрец (15213) 10 месяцев назад
Here is the matched list:

1 striking - d) following
2 acquired - c) bought
3 pledged - f) promised
4 subsequent - a) collected
5 poised - b) ready
6 broaden - e) extend, widen
7 in conjunction with - i) together with
8 featuring - g) using, including
9 compiled - h) making, signing

Please note that some of these matches may not be completely accurate due to the context-dependency of many English words and expressions.
MISTER ALEKSAN Не Ученик (220) 10 месяцев назад
1. striking - a) collected
2. acquired - c) bought
3. pledged - f) promised
4. subsequent - d) following
5. poised - b) ready
6. broaden - e) extend, widen
7. in conjunction with - i) together with
8. featuring - h) making, signing
9. compiled - g) using, including

1. striking - впечатляющий, заметный; collected - собранный, накопленный
2. acquired - приобретенный; bought - купленный
3. pledged - обещанный, заложенный; promised - обещанный
4. subsequent - последующий; following - следующий
5. poised - готовый к действию; ready - готовый
6. broaden - расширять, увеличивать; extend, widen - расширять, увеличивать
7. in conjunction with - совместно с; together with - вместе с
8. featuring - показывая, содержащая; making, signing - создание, подписание
9. compiled - составленный; using, including - используя, включая
Лена Коваленко Мастер (1218) 10 месяцев назад
Striking - a) attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent.
Acquired - c) bought or obtained an object or asset.
Pledged - f) promised to give something as security for a loan.
Subsequent - d) coming after something in time; following.
Poised - b) ready and prepared for something.
Broaden - e) extend in scope or range or area.
In conjunction with - i) together with; combined with.
Featuring - g) including as a special attraction or feature.
Compiled - a) collected and put together in one book or document.
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