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Английский язык future continous и future simple.

Кирилл Бахвалов Ученик (88), закрыт 1 год назад
Почему "я буду писать поэму до завтрашнего дня" - это "I’ll write the poem until tomorrow", а не "I'll be writing the poem until tomorrow"?
Лучший ответ
I am Happy Просветленный (28838) 1 год назад
Зависит от того, какой смысл вкладывается в предложение.

I’ll write the poem until tomorrow - озвучили план/обещание. Я напишу поэму до завтра (вы так решили, пока говорили. Не факт, что уже начали ее писать).

I'll be writing the poem until tomorrow - подчеркнули длительность самого действия. Я буду писать поэму до завтра (вы уже начали писать поэму и собираетесь писать ее аж до завтра). Например, это предложение можно было бы дополнить таким контекстом: Don't bother calling me. I'll be writing the poem until tomorrow. (Не звони мне. До завтра я пишу поэму.)
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Татьяна Просветленный (36215) 1 год назад
The reason "I’ll write the poem until tomorrow" is the correct sentence is because the future simple tense is used to talk about future plans and decisions
In this case, the speaker is stating their intention to write the poem until tomorrow, which is a future plan. The future simple tense is used to express certainty about the action happening
On the other hand, "I'll be writing the poem until tomorrow" uses the future continuous tense. The future continuous tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future
It is commonly used to discuss an event that will happen in the future for a specific amount of time
In this case, using the future continuous tense implies that the speaker will be actively engaged in the process of writing the poem until tomorrow, emphasizing the ongoing nature of the action.
Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. The future simple tense suggests a planned action that will be completed by tomorrow, while the future continuous tense suggests an ongoing action that will continue until tomorrow.
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