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пон . Ученик (148), на голосовании 1 год назад
Choose the appropriate words from the box below:

friendly beautiful constant fresh low high
healthy convenient helpful heavy crowded

a. Regular exercise is part of a _____________ lifestyle.

b. We were stuck in _____________ traffic for several hours.

c. I can’t stand cities because of _____________ noise and pollution.

d. Public transport is often more _____________ than a car in towns.

e. In the summer London is _____________ with tourists.

f. Cities usually have _____________ rates of unemployment.

g. This village is famous for its _____________ landscapes.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Sergio 2.1 Оракул (67655) 1 год назад
a. Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.
b. We were stuck in heavy traffic for several hours.
c. I can’t stand cities because of constant noise and pollution.
d. Public transport is often more convenient than a car in towns.
e. In the summer London is crowded with tourists.
f. Cities usually have high rates of unemployment.
g. This village is famous for its beautiful landscapes.
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