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Английский помогите пожалуйста не чего не понимаю пожалуйста очень прошу и очень срочно

Тестовая 1 Ученик (115), на голосовании 9 месяцев назад
Task 2 (12 points).

Как выполнять задания на заполнение пропусков (лексика)

Complete the definitions and make up three sentences with any free time activities from the task.

To sit or lie in the sun, especially in order to go brown —
To browse various content on the Internet —
To spend time in a building with lots of shops and food courts —
To do a system of exercises for your body and for controlling your breathing, used by people who want to become fitter or to relax —
To ride a bicycle —
To play a game with two teams and a ball on sand —
Now make up three sentences with any free time activities from the task.


Task 3 (10 points).

Как выполнять творческие задания

Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Mind the forms of the verbs after the given constructions.

I am keen on _________________________________________________.
I can’t stand _________________________________________________.
I am crazy about ______________________________________________.
I don’t like ___________________________________________________.
I am interested in ______________________________________________.

Task 4 (6 points).

Как выполнять задания на заполнение пропусков (лексика)

Complete the leaflet with the following verbs: install, put, leave, look, let, keep.

Better safe than sorry.

When staying home alone, remember some rules.

1. ___________ your mobile switched on. In case of emergency, you can call someone.

2. Never ___________ your keys near the door; somebody can steal them.

3. If somebody is knocking, ___________ through the peephole first. Then ___________ the door chain on the door and ask for their name. Never ___________ strangers in.

4. If you have an alarm system, don’t forget to ___________ it.

And remember: better safe than sorry!

Task 5 (26 points).

Как выполнять задания на раскрытие скобок (грамматика)

Open the brackets using Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Linda: Hey, Sarah! Glad to hear you! 1) _________________ (you / enjoy) your trip to London?

Sarah: Sure! I 2) _________________ (have) an amazing time here! I really like the hustle and bustle of London streets.

Linda: What 3) _________________ (usually / you / do) during the day?

Sarah: I 4) _________________ (usually / go) round the city centre. I 5) _________________ (sometimes / visit) museums which 6) _________ (be) free or see the sights.

Linda: Great! What else?

Sarah: Thousands of things! My elder sister 7) _________________ (take) me to different attractions every day!

Linda: And what 8) _________________ (you / do) now?

Sarah: At the moment I 9) _________________ (walk) on Oxford Street. My sister 10) _________________ (look for) a dress for her prom and I 11) _________________ (help) her.

Linda: Well, I 12) _________________ (hope) you 13) _________________ (have) fun! Bye!

Sarah: Thanks, bye!

Task 6 (8 points).

Как выполнять задания на заполнение пропусков (грамматика)

Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

It’s cold outside. You ______________ wear a coat.
You ______________ eat any more sweets or you’ll be sick.
______________ I write in pen or pencil?
My son ______________ sit so close to the TV because it’s bad for his eyes.
You ______________ touch that cake. It’s too hot.
You ______________ write her a thank-you letter for her help.
I don’t think they ______________ be in the swimming pool.
He ______________ do that. That’s too risky.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Stepan Subbotin Профи (918) 10 месяцев назад
Сложно оч сори
Бульбазавр БульбазавровичЗнаток (382) 5 месяцев назад
Круто, спаисбо, мне 6 поставили!
Бульбазавр Бульбазаврович, странно почему так мало мне 8 поставили
акакий акакьевичУченик (114) 3 месяца назад
ахахаха это прекрасно)
YT_VolkOFF Оракул (71021) 10 месяцев назад
task 2 (12 points):

to sit or lie in the sun, especially in order to go brown — sunbathe
to browse various content on the internet — surf the internet
to spend time in a building with lots of shops and food courts — go shopping
to do a system of exercises for your body and for controlling your breathing, used by people who want to become fitter or to relax — practice yoga
to ride a bicycle — go cycling
to play a game with two teams and a ball on sand — play beach volleyball

Now make up three sentences with any free time activities from the task:
1. I love to sunbathe on the beach during the summer to get a nice tan.
2. I enjoy browsing various content on the internet, particularly watching funny videos.
3. On weekends, I like to go shopping with my friends and explore different stores.

task 3 (10 points):

i am keen on playing tennis.
i can’t stand waking up early in the morning.
i am crazy about watching movies.
i don’t like eating spicy food.
i am interested in learning about different cultures.

task 4 (6 points):

Better safe than sorry.
When staying home alone, remember some rules.
1. Keep your mobile switched on. In case of emergency, you can call someone.
2. Never put your keys near the door; somebody can steal them.
3. If somebody is knocking, look through the peephole first. Then put the door chain on the door and ask for their name. Never let strangers in.
4. If you have an alarm system, don’t forget to install it.
And remember: better safe than sorry!

task 5 (26 points):

Open the brackets using present simple and present continuous.
Linda: Hey, Sarah! Glad to hear you! 1) Are you enjoying (you / enjoy) your trip to London?
Sarah: Sure! I 2) am having (have) an amazing time here! I really like the hustle and bustle of London streets.
Linda: What 3) do you usually do (usually / you / do) during the day?
Sarah: I 4) usually go (usually / go) round the city centre. I 5) sometimes visit (sometimes / visit) museums which 6) are (be) free or see the sights.
Linda: Great! What else?
Sarah: Thousands of things! My elder sister 7) takes (take) me to different attractions every day!
Linda: And what 8) are you doing (you / do) now?
Sarah: At the moment I 9) am walking (walk) on Oxford Street. My sister 10) is looking for (look for) a dress for her prom and I 11) am helping (help) her.
Linda: Well, I 12) hope (hope) you 13) are having (have) fun! Bye!
Sarah: Thanks, bye!

task 6 (8 points):

Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.
1. It’s cold outside. You should wear a coat.
2. You shouldn’t eat any more sweets or you’ll be sick.
3. Should I write in pen or pencil?
4. My son shouldn’t sit so close to the TV because it's bad for his eyes.
5. You shouldn’t touch that cake. It’s too hot.
6. You should write her a thank-you letter for her help.
7. I don’t think they should be in the swimming pool.
8. He shouldn’t do that. That’s too risky.
Тестовая 1Ученик (115) 10 месяцев назад
спасибо большое тебе хороший человек а можешь пожалуйста номер 5 сделать а то я его не понимаю
YT_VolkOFF Оракул (71021) Тестовая 1, Linda: Hey, Sarah! Glad to hear you! Are you enjoying your trip to London? Sarah: Sure! I am having an amazing time here! I really like the hustle and bustle of London streets. Linda: What do you usually do during the day? Sarah: I usually go round the city centre. I sometimes visit museums which are free or see the sights. Linda: Great! What else? Sarah: Thousands of things! My elder sister takes me to different attractions every day! Linda: And what are you doing now? Sarah: At the moment, I am walking on Oxford Street. My sister is looking for a dress for her prom and I am helping her. Linda: Well, I hope you are having fun! Bye! Sarah: Thanks, bye!
акакий акакьевичУченик (114) 3 месяца назад
спасибо ты лудший
живи долго брат
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