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Илья Гайдуков Знаток (266), закрыт 12 месяцев назад
Fill in the gaps with personal or possessive pronouns:
1. Ann isn’t in the college, … is at home with … little brother because … is ill. 2. This is not my mobile, … is Dasha’s. It’s really … .3.Where are Ann and Dasha? - … are in the hall. 4. Whose book is this? - … is mine. 5. John is a student. … is not a teacher.6. What are Nick’s parents? - … are lawyers.7. Dan and I are in the first course. … are first-year students.8. John is a painter. … studio is very large. 9. You are a student, aren’t …? 10. I am 16. …name is Helen.
Лучший ответ
Дмитрий Кузнецов Гуру (2822) 12 месяцев назад
1. Ann isn’t in the college, SHE is at home with HER little brother because HE is ill. 2. This is not my mobile, IT is Dasha’s. It’s really HER.3.Where are Ann and Dasha? - THEY are in the hall. 4. Whose book is this? - IT is mine. 5. John is a student. HE is not a teacher.6. What are Nick’s parents? - THEY are lawyers.7. Dan and I are in the first course. WE are first-year students.8. John is a painter. HIS studio is very large. 9. You are a student, aren’t YOU? 10. I am 16. MY name is Helen.
Дмитрий КузнецовГуру (2822) 12 месяцев назад
За 100% правильность не ручаюсь
Дмитрий Кузнецов, IT is Dasha’s. It’s really ___hers. Тут hers
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