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Помогите английский пж срочно

Марк Чигаров Ученик (82), на голосовании 7 месяцев назад
I always ____(go) to bed at 11.00pm.
2. The sun _____ (shine) now.
3.He always ______ (get) into trouble.
4. He _____(see) three films this week.
5. He _____(run) . That's why he is out of breath.
6. She _____ (have) three cups of coffee since she woke up.
7. She ____(do) her homework for an hour.
8. I _____(wash up) while he ____(dry) the dishes.
9. Shakespear ____(write) at least 36 plays.
10. The film ____(start) at 8.00pm. Hurry up!
11. He probably ______ (pass) his driving test.
12. Winter ______(be) here soon.
13. I never ______(meet) such a charming girl.
14. She ________ (learn) French for 2 years.
15. He didn't start working until she ______(leave).
16. He started working after she ____(leave).
17. He ________ (not/ drive) a car since that accident.
18. We can have lunch in the garden if the weather _____(be) good.
Голосование за лучший ответ
XxmiaS z Знаток (313) 8 месяцев назад
1. go
2. is shining
3. gets
4. has seen
5. is running
6. has had
7. has been doing
8. am washing up, is drying
9. wrote
10. starts
11. has passed
12. will be
13. have never met
14. has been learning
15. had left
16. had left
17. has not driven
18. is
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