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Помогите решить анлисский

Влад Исаков Ученик (81), на голосовании 1 год назад
Match the past perfect and past simple sentence halves together.

As soon as I had finished my sushi,

a. he fed the dog

2. Before I made a dentist appointment,

b. as soon as I had landed on the island.

3. After I had bought a new bed, ......

she made a short thank-you speech.

4. After the man had come home, ......

d. before I saw it with my family.

5. I had watched the film alone......

e. before I got my license.

6. When she had read all the greetings cards,

f. I had found 3 cavities.

7. I had already bought a car

g. I realized I didn't have the space for it.

8. I went straight to the beach......

h. I felt sick.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Joseph Гений (69856) 1 год назад
1 As soon as I had finished my sushi, h. I felt sick.

a. he fed the dog

2. Before I made a dentist appointment, f. I had found 3 cavities.

b. as soon as I had landed on the island.

3. After I had bought a new bed, g. I realized I didn't have the space for it.

she made a short thank-you speech.

4. After the man had come home, a. he fed the dog.

d. before I saw it with my family.

5. I had watched the film alone d. before I saw it with my family.

e. before I got my license.

6. When she had read all the greetings cards, she made a short thank-you speech.

f. I had found 3 cavities.

7. I had already bought a car e. before I got my license.

g. I realized I didn't have the space for it.

8. I went straight to the beach b. as soon as I had landed on the island.

h. I felt sick.
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