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. Ученик (221), на голосовании 7 месяцев назад
6. Put the verb "to have" in the correct form.
1. You don't need to hurry, we have ... plenty of time.
2. My sister ... is visiting tomorrow.
3. Mr and Mrs Roberts ... wedding 20 years ago.
4. These women ... a common project.
5. All ... A five-minute coffee break after the meeting.

7. Put the verb in Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite or Future Indefinite.
1. I (get up) at 8 o'clock every morning.
2. Next weekend our parents (will come) to New York.
3. My sister and I (will be travelling) to Europe next summer.
4. A minute ago, there were some books on the table.
5. If you heat water to 100 C, it (boil).
6. I (want) to try the frog's legs. I will definitely (do) it in the future.
7. She (come) up to me and (take) my hand.
8. Yesterday I (not have time) to do my homework.
9. Your train (depart) at 12:30, so you (need) to be at the station by 12.
10. No one (see) him (see) him yesterday at 6 o'clock.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Joseph Гений (65029) 8 месяцев назад
6. Put the verb "to have" in the correct form.
1. You don't need to hurry, we have plenty of time.
2. My sister .?.. is visiting tomorrow.
3. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts had a wedding 20 years ago.
4. These women have a common project.
5. All will have (had) a five-minute coffee break after the meeting.

7. Put the verb in Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite or Future Indefinite.
1. I get up at 8 o'clock every morning.
2. Next weekend, our parents will come to New York.
3. My sister and I will travel (be traveling) to Europe next summer.
4. A minute ago, there were some books on the table.
5. If you heat water to 100°C, it will boil.
6. I want to try the frog's legs. I will definitely do it in the future.
7. She came up to me and took my hand.
8. Yesterday I did not have time to do my homework.
9. Your train departs at 12:30, so you need to be at the station by 12.
10. No one saw him yesterday at 6 o'clock.
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