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Александра Болдарева Ученик (188), закрыт 7 месяцев назад
1. Did you see the new film on television last night?
2. Did you like the film?
3. Did your wife watch it with you?
4. Did she like it?
5. Did the film begin at 7.30? p.m.
6. Did it finish at 9?
7. Did you discuss it?
8. Did you watch the news programme afterwards?
9. Was the news interesting?
10. Were your children at home in the evening?
11. Did you have a late supper?
Лучший ответ
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (153058) 7 месяцев назад
1. Did you see the new film on television last night? -Yes,I did.I saw the new film on television last night.
2. Did you like the film? -Yes,I did. I liked the film.
3. Did your wife watch it with you? -Yes,she did. My wife watched it with me.
4. Did she like it? -Yes,she did.She liked it.
5. Did the film begin at 7.30? p.m. -No, it didn't.The film began at 8.00 p.m.
6. Did it finish at 9?-No,it didn't. It finished at 10.
7. Did you discuss it? -Yes, we did. We discussed it.
8. Did you watch the news programme afterwards? -Yes,we did.We watched the news programme afterwards.
9. Was the news interesting?-Yes, it was. The news was interesting.
10. Were your children at home in the evening? -Yes,they were.Our children were at home in the evening.
11. Did you have a late supper? -Yes, we did. We had a late supper.
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