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Саша Александров Ученик (92), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
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Sahaprof Просветленный (25562) 2 месяца назад
reply chat gpt

1. My brother always lets me take his snowboard.
2. Do you ever go to galleries to take your witch picture?
3. Cindy never does the shopping on Sundays.
4. Lin really does swim in the ocean.
5. Nick seldom goes for long walks with his dog on Mondays.
6. He is often late for school.
7. They are sometimes tired after work.
Даниил Садыков Ученик (126) 2 месяца назад
1. Let's take my brother snowboarding always.
2. Do you ever go to galleries to witch-hunt?
3. Cindy does not go shopping on Sundays.
4. Lin does swim in the ocean really.
5. Nick seldom goes for long walks with his dog on Mondays.
6. He is often late for school.
7. They are sometimes tired after work.
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