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Маша Минеева Ученик (77), закрыт 21 час назад
Physical education is the most strange school subject. Unlike
other lessons, classes are not held in the classrooms but in the
gym or at the stadium. Here students do not stand still and do not
sit at their desks, they move actively. Thus, physical education
gives us an opportunity to cheer up, shake off the stress
accumulated during the day and throw out emotions. I like it all
very much.
I also like the way classes are conducted very much. It is different
every time. During some lessons, we do gymnastic exercises, pullups on a bar and jump over sports equipment. During other
lessons we play volleyball or basketball. Several times a year our
teacher conducts cross-country races and relay races.
In other words, we never get bored during PE. For me each lesson
is a kind of a challenge, a strength self-test. I’m wondering if I can
jump over a buckjump, climb up the robe to the white mark, or
run a 100-meter distance perfectly. And if I manage to carry out
my plans, then my mood always goes up and I get a desire to
achieve new results.
Our coach gladly encourages diligent students not only with good
grades but he gives them a chance to participate in school
competitions. That is how when I was a part of the basketball
team, we won prizes several times when playing against other
classes. And last month I was lucky to win first place in broad
Needless to say, exercise is very beneficial to your health. During
classes, we do not only become stronger and more enduring
physically but also receive positive emotions that make us
Лучший ответ
Вера Криулькина Просветленный (23755) 1 месяц назад
1. In what way do P.E.lessons differ from other lessons?
2.Do P.E lessons give us an opportunity to cheer up?
3.Are the classes conducted differently all the time?
4.What games do the pupils play during P.E.lessons?
5.How does the coach encourage diligent students?
6.Did the basketball team win prizes?
Маша МинееваУченик (77) 1 месяц назад
спасибо большое
Вера КриулькинаПросветленный (23755) 1 месяц назад
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