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Помогите пожалуйста кто знает английский хорошо

Артем Белов Ученик (122), на голосовании 1 неделю назад
Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous

Ex. 1

Tomorrow I (to go) to college.

Look! Kate (to help) her mother about the house.

They (to spend) their holidays well last year.

You (to go) shopping every day.

He (to go) to the cinema with his friend next week.

My son (to do) his exercises now.

They (to watch) TV at this time.

I (to see) a good film last Friday.

We always (to drink) in this bar.

She (to do) the washing up now.

Peter (to listen) to the radio 2 hours ago.

She (to send) a letter tomorrow.

We (to have) dinner at 3 every day.

He (to clean) his room yesterday.

You (to do) this test now.

They (to recognize) her yesterday.
Голосование за лучший ответ
konbanwa Искусственный Интеллект (178830) 1 месяц назад
Смотри: на синей полоске есть надпись "Категории". Нажимаешь её и под ней нажимаешь "ДОМАШНИЕ ЗАДАНИЯ". Там тебе всё сделают бесплатно.
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