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Софья Андреевна Ученик (78), на голосовании 1 неделю назад
Ex. 40. Раскройте скобки.
1) My mother (tall) my father. 2) I am (young) my grandmother. 3) The Earth is (small) the Sun. 4) Italy is (close) Australia to Russia, 5) To study Math is (pleasant) to play on the computer. 6) Educational films are (interesting) action films and thrillers. 7) The Terminator is (strong) John Connor. 8) Britain is (developed) the Russian Federation. 9) London is (old) Moscow. 10) The word "child" is (formal) the word "kid". 11) Silver is (expensive) gold. 12) Ice-cream is (fat) butter. 13) A serial (longer) a film. 14) An apple (sour) an orange. 15) Fruits (healthy) sugar and sweets.
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Ярик Админостратор Ученик (108) 1 месяц назад
1) My mother is taller than my father.
2) I am younger than my grandmother.
3) The Earth is smaller than the Sun.
4) Italy is closer to Australia than Russia.
5) To study Math is more pleasant than to play on the computer.
6) Educational films are more interesting than action films and thrillers.
7) The Terminator is stronger than John Connor.
8) Britain is more developed than the Russian Federation.
9) London is older than Moscow.
10) The word "child" is more formal than the word "kid".
11) Silver is less expensive than gold.
12) Ice-cream is fatter than butter.
13) A serial is longer than a film.
14) An apple is more sour than an orange.
15) Fruits are healthier than sugar and sweets.
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