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Ольга Данилюк Ученик (90), на голосовании 1 неделю назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
Black Мастер (1634) 1 месяц назад
I. I am a student, my brother is a pupil. 2. Who are you? I am Alex Brown. 3. What is Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith is a businessman. And his wife is a housewife. 4. Where are the Browns? Mr. Smith is not at home. He is out. I think, he is at his office. His wife is in the garden. They have a son and a daughter. Their children are at school now. 5. I am afraid, I am not ready for the lesson. 6. We are sorry for being late. 7. Do you have a car? No, I have no car, but my father has a new car. 8. I am fond of reading and have many detective stories. 9. Do you have any English books? No, I do not. My aunt has some. She is an English teacher. All the books are in her bookcases. 10. I am not afraid of dogs. I like dogs and have a very clever dog.
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