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Помогите написать сочинение по Англискому про Екатеринбург,5 Класс

Анна Дмитриева Ученик (114), на голосовании 15 часов назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
Влад Влад Знаток (266) 1 месяц назад
иди англ учи
Анна ДмитриеваУченик (114) 1 месяц назад
хаха,шутканул ай смешно
Settler Мыслитель (5478) 1 месяц назад
Yekaterinburg, frequently referred to as Ekaterinburg, is the grandeur of Russia, ranking as its fourth-largest city. It's recognized for its historical treasures and lively cultural milieu. Situated on the verge of Europe and Asia, it symbolizes an intriguing fusion of the Eastern and Western realms. Here, you'll stumble upon myriad historical structures, such as the Church on Blood, erected at the very location where the final Tsar of Russia and his kin met their tragic end. Another notable landmark is the Yeltsin Center, a monument to contemporary Russian history and its inaugural president. The Ekaterinburg Circus and the Ural Mountains in the vicinity are other points of curiosity. Contrary to its industrial roots, the city possesses numerous verdant spots, like the scenic Ekaterinburg City Pond and the Botanical Garden. The inhabitants here are congenial, and the city flashes with a vibrant arts scene, enhancing its allure. It's a city I always derive pleasure from traversing!
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