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Give the definitions of the words advertisement, announcement, temper, and mood.

Give me a name Ученик (60), закрыт 3 недели назад
Write one example sentence for each definition.

Advertisement ________________________________________________________

Announcement ________________________________________________________

Temper ________________________________________________________

Mood ________________________________________________________
Лучший ответ
NON Мыслитель (5842) 4 недели назад
Advertisement: A paid public notice that promotes a product, service, or event.
Example sentence: The company ran an advertisement for their new car on television.

Announcement: A formal public declaration that something is happening or will happen.

Example sentence: The principal made an announcement about the upcoming school play.

Temper: A person's natural tendency to be angry or emotional.

Example sentence: He has a short temper and gets easily frustrated.

Mood: A person's emotional state at a particular time.

Example sentence: She was in a cheerful mood after winning the competition.
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