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Динара и Алексей Батыревы Ученик (85), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
Open the brackets and put the verbs into Past Simple, Past Continuous, or use the construction used to. Write full sentences.

1. Mark (work) as a waiter, but now he works as a manager in a bank.
2. What (you / talk) about when I (enter) the room?
3. She (not / know) the answer to the question.
4. It (rain) when I (get) home.
5. We (want) to go to the cinema last night.
6. While I (cook) dinner, my husband (clean) the flat.
7. I (live) in a small flat when I was a little girl, but now I live in a spacious house in the countryside.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Blizzard Профи (766) 2 месяца назад
1. Mark worked as a waiter, but now he works as a manager in a bank.
2. What were you talking about when I entered the room?
3. She did not know the answer to the question.
4. It was raining when I got home.
5. We wanted to go to the cinema last night.
6. While I was cooking dinner, my husband was cleaning the flat.
7. I lived in a small flat when I was a little girl, but now I live in a spacious house in the countryside.
Динара и Алексей БатыревыУченик (85) 2 месяца назад
Спасибо большое.
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